Health and Safety Policy


DATE: 16.05.23

WOOTIS, deals with the remote management of wind and photovoltaic plants and ensures that it provides a healthy, appropriate, and safe working environment for its staff by taking measures for the effective management and continuous improvement of the level of safety and health in its activities to prevent accidents and diseases that could be caused by its activities. For this reason, applies a Health, and Safety Management System, in accordance with ISO 45001:2018, for all its activities.

The company's management is committed to:

• ensuring the Health Safety of employees in offices and parks

• the continuous training and updating of its staff and associates.

• the management of possible changes based on the Safety and Health of employees.

• compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

• the allocation of the necessary resources and logistical infrastructure in order to prevent accidents.

• the investigation of all incidents regardless of frequency and severity.

• the continuous monitoring, documentation and evaluation of Health Safety at Work and the review of this Policy with the aim of continuously improving the level of safety.

• The definition of Health Safety obligations for its subcontractors and their evaluation

All employees of the company are responsible for the implementation of the Health Safety Policy.

In addition, the company's Management is responsible for monitoring and upgrading the Health Safety Policy at regular intervals, to confirm that it remains relevant and effective.